The Buddha's Face -
Our regular blog on all things relating to Buddhism and the Buddha - including the bizarre ,strange ,magnificent and awesome elements of what is the world's most peaceful and inspiring religous philosophy. "I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done." Buddha
Friday, 23 November 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
The Buddhist Bootcamp
You could read it in probably not much more than hour and find yourself re-reading it again. The author was originally a Tibetan monk that found the rules and restrictions too stultifying and was encouraged to try the more simplistic Zen Buddhist approach which was simpler but even that was too restricted for what he was trying to achieve.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Buddha and Cats - new Buddha's Face You Tube Video
Here it is as promised to the tune of Everyone Wants to be a Cat from the Aristocats a sterling collection of Buddha Cats and Buddha and a cat slideshow referred to in the previous post. Until I researched this I never knew there was so much interest in these two subjects. Right back to my day job and I sense a Buddha Cats 2 in the making in the not too distant future !
A cat that jumps on a hot stove will never jump on a hot stove again.
Neither will it jump on a cold stove.
Michael Cameron
Choose from the best collection of wooden Buddha Wall Art panels, plaques and Buddha Statues to transform your home or garden into a peaceful sanctuary.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Buddha Cats Picasa Slideshow
Buddha Cat Statue

Wesley Bates
Kill the Buddha
After years sitting on his cushion, a monk has what he believes is a discovery: a glimpse of enlightenment, the Buddha mind, the expectant final payment for his years of spiritual toiling and longing. Describing the experience to his master, all the same, he is told that what has occurred is par for the course, nothing special, perhaps even detrimental to his pursuance. And then the master gives the student demoralising advice: If you come across the Buddha, he says, kill him.
Why kill the Buddha? Because the Buddha you come across is not the true Buddha, but a construction of your yearning. If this Buddha is not killed he will only stand in your way.
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." Buddha
Lucky Thai Buddhist Amulets - the power to stop bullets !
We’ve written about the Thai amulet business before on the Buddha’s Face blog and it is an area where age old traditions and superstitions combine with millennial old Buddhism to create a typically Thai amalgam. In fact Thai soldiers who went to fight in the Iraq War had special amulets created that were thought to have powers to ward off bullets - I wonder if Superman woar one ?
My Thai father–in–law – sadly departed was a great believer in their power as he got older added more and more to his collection which he wore around his neck which was an unusual sight to the unitiated
In the following You tube video is a great news report with English sub titles about this unusual and fascinating area of Thai-Buddhist culture.
Alien Buddha Head Pop Art -The Ambient Buddha 2

I like this Buddha head - a lot - the artist has taken the classic Buddha head (he has the long ear lobes associated with the Buddha) and given it an Andy Warholian pop art twist. If aliens existed on other planets in the universe then sentient life can said also to exist and if this is so then it is not far-fetched to think that the concept of trying to understand their existence would be part of their culture and beings would come about that would have more insight and depth to this study. So Buddhas or enlightened ones could exist in galaxies far away. Whatever the truth - it is out there - but in the meantime we should concentrate on the truth that lies within ourselves and try to solve the problems enough that we have on our own planet.
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
Beautiful Red Buddha Painting

Just found this beautiful Red Buddha meditating whilst looking for stuff to blog. I love the stylised clear lines and the fact that the artist has chosen an unusual colour to use. Almost like graffiti art which I have covered before - particularly the famous Banksy Broken Buddha.
“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday,
and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow:
Our life is the creation of our mind.”
Monday, 1 August 2011
Buddha and the Moon - War,Pacifism and Non-Violence

A great quote from the Buddha and one many politicians and newspaper editors and proprietors would do well to heed. The moon is a mysterious entity dominating the night sky so near and so far we think we know it and yet we know it not at all. Man has landed on it but what difference have we made.
I always remember that when the US landed on it in 1969 it seemed like a seminal moment in the history of mankind but the same government that carried out this amazing technological feat was dropping record tonnages of bombs on the people of North Vietnam. It is worth remembering 3 and half million Vietnamese lost their lives and for what. The Buddha’s unerring stance on war and violence speaks loudly to us today and in fact more so as man’s horrific ability to destroy has grown exponentially than it did when he first formulated his philosophy 2500 years ago. When your heart is filled with love and compassion then war is unthinkable and undoable.
Howl at the moon and bow your eyes - peace must surely come when we have exhausted all the other possibilities for resolution.
Read more at the Buddha's Face:
Vietnamese Buddhist monk's self immolation
The Buddha's stance on war and violence
I am a steadfast follower of the doctrine of non-violence which was first preached by Lord Buddha, whose divine wisdom is absolute...
All forms of violence, especially war, are totally unacceptable as means to settle disputes between and among nations, groups and persons.
Dalai Lama
Do cats exhibit Buddha nature ?

"Of all animals, he alone attains the Contemplative Life. He regards the wheel of existence from without, like the Buddha. There is no pretense of sympathy about the cat. He lives alone, aloft, sublime, in a wise passiveness." Andrew Lang
The Buddha does Coke - typical South Park over the toppery !

Sunday, 31 July 2011
Buddha Statue in a Fish Tank - Full HD !

Buddha Obama - The Video

I enjoyed finding the picture of Obama Buddha that I mentioned in the last blog post so it got me thinking should I make a video. Which is what I've just done and linked it at the end to a speech given by the Dalai Lama on compassion and greed. Not my best work but I hope it makes it point simply and easily.
Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.
Dalai Lama
Choose from the best collection of wooden Buddha Wall Art panels, plaques and Buddha Statues to transform your home or garden into a peaceful sanctuary.
Visit our truly comprehensive Buddhism 101 Enlightenment Project
Buddha Oabama - President of the United States

All forms of violence, especially war, are totally unacceptable as means to settle disputes between and among nations, groups and persons.
Dalai Lama
When Carl Sagan met the Dalai Lama
While his holiness the Dalai Lama is said to be the latest reincarnation of a series of Dalai Lama’s who have chosen to be reborn in order to enlighten others. The differences in world views could not have been any greater. Sagan had previously spoken and debated with religious leaders before, but he was uniquely surprised by his experience with the Dalai Lama. Speaking of the event, he said:
"…in theological discussions with religious leaders, I often ask what their response would be if a central dogma of their faith were disproved by scientific discipline. When I put this question to the Dalai Lama, he unhesitatingly replied as no traditionalist or fundamentalist religious leaders do: In such a case, he said, Tibetan Buddhism would have to alter. Even, I asked, if it’s a really central tenet, like reincarnation? Even then, he replied. However, he said mischievously - it will be hard to disprove reincarnation ! "
Sagan was surprised with this response. The meeting between the Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan illustrates something very potent about Buddhism that so many individuals find refreshing. Buddhism at its core is not about accepting dogma. Buddhism is not about blindly accepting ancient beliefs or tenets, but about experience and careful analysis of one’s life. Cornell University has put up some of the footage of the meeting between the Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan. The video contains an engrossing discussion and analysis on the meeting.
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
Carl Sagan
Choose from the best collection of wooden Buddha Wall Art panels, plaques and Buddha Statues to transform your home or garden into a peaceful sanctuary.
Visit our truly comprehensive Buddhism 101 Enlightenment Project
Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion - on Buddhism

Page 59 ...".shall not be concerned at all with other religions such as Buddhism or Confucianism.Indeed there is something to be said for treating these not as religions at all but as ethical systems or philosophies of life."
Page 232 ...."Perhaps Islam is analogous to a carnivorous gene complex, Buddhism to a herbivorous one."
Page 443...."Julia Sweeney is also right on target when she briefly mentions Buddhism. Just as Christianity is sometimes thought to be a nicer , gentler religion than Islam, Buddhism is often cracked up to be the nicest of all.But the doctrine of demotion on the reincarnation ladder because of sins in a past life is pretty unpleasant."
And that's the sum total of references - Buddhism isn't a religion that means you have to swallow a supernatural belief system and an omnipresent God. You yourself are responsible for your life, your choices and your happiness -end of. And by practising compassion and loving kindness we find the world a whole lot of a better place than if we do the converse.
Maybe Richard Dawkins should cut back on the throttle a little and respect the deeply held beliefs of some he would regard as God deluded. A little kindness rather than arrogant superiority never goes amiss !
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
Dalai Lama
Is this the weirdest Buddhist temple in the world?

I visited this Thai Buddhist temple near Nong Khai Northern Thailand about ten years ago and since then have visited a lot more Buddhist temples around the world but never one as strange and compelling as this one. The immense sculptures are mostly made out of concrete and the main temple hall is that of an overarching spider. By putting in small coins to some of the sculptures they come to life like a skeleton on a bike in a pond. Similar to many temples in Thailand it has a mix of Buddhist, Hindu and Confucian deities.
A Buddhist monk was exiled from his home country Laos in 1978 and ended up in Thailand. He began to assemble a collection of immense concrete sculptures from a variety of Religions and displayed them in a huge garden. It has to be seen to be believed and is a sort of mad scary Buddhist Disneyland – but then the concept of our own eventual demise is of course a scary concept and one the temple highlights in many of its bizarre sculptures.
The Very Best Quotes of the Buddha - New Video from the Buddhasface

Friday, 29 July 2011
Cannabis / Marijuana and the Buddha - Buddhism

Whilst one the subject of intoxicants as we have just covered Lucky Buddha beer in the previous blog entry it would be timely to mention Buddha cannabis. The Dutch have been responsible for crossing numerous strains of cannabis over the last 30 years
Apparently it was developed by breeders in 1996 and is a female Oasis/Shiva/Haze crossed with a male Oasis/Shiva/Skunk. They say this was the talk of the town in Amsterdam in 1996. Of course it should be noted that Buddhists eschew intoxicants and seek enlightenment through discipline and mediation rather than a phat one!
Basho the Haiku Master writes:
The cannabis - How wonderful it is!
The summer drawing room.
Trees and stones, just as they are.
Ah, how glorious!
The young leaves, the green leaves,
Glittering in the sunshine!
Buddha Beer - Are You Feeling Lucky

Well this is a turn up for the books - Buddhists aren't known for their insobriety so I think we can reliably guess that it's not the Dalai Lama or any of his monks that are behind this beer brand. It is however a refreshing crisp beer from China say its makers and the green laughing Buddha bottles are an art from in themselves. Must get a couple and see if they can enlighten me further.( for Catholic monks though beer making and wine production is quite an art.)
The true meaning of the precepts is not just that one should refrain from drinking alcohol,but also from getting drunk on nirvana.
Choose from the best collection of wooden Buddha Wall Art panels, plaques and Buddha Statues to transform your home or garden into a peaceful sanctuary.
Visit our truly comprehensive Buddhism 101 Enlightenment Project
American Zen - Buddhist Rock Group
Quite a wacky group this and I’m having difficulty understanding their multicoloured website over at American Zen. They were founded in 1991 when the band’s founder Coyote moved to Utah and are looking to move up to the 8 levels of enlightenment which starts at an easy level 1 which is peace of mind. Looks as the sixties never finished.
Anyway be your own judges as to their talents on the accompanying YouTube video.
Hasta la vista Bhoddivista – Rock on American Zen !
“You only lose what you cling to.”
Thursday, 28 July 2011
May be the Matrix is a Buddhist Allegory ?

Although the existence of Christian styles is strong within the Matrix, the influence of Buddhism is every bit effective and apparent. Indeed, the fundamental philosophical premises that drive major plot points could be nearly incomprehensible with no little background knowledge of Buddhism and Buddhist doctrines. So against this background are the Matrix and also the Matrix Reloaded Buddhist movies?
Probably the most apparent and fundamental Buddhist theme is the fundamental principle that our life on the planet according to the Matrix films, what many people think about as "reality" is really some type of computer-produced simulation. This seems to align carefully with Buddhist doctrine that the world was we all know is "Maya" or illusion, which we should get out of in order to be able to achieve enlightenment. Indeed, based on Buddhist concepts the greatest problem that faces humanity is our lack of ability to see our way through this illusion.
You will find also numerous more short references to Buddhism in the films. Within The Matrix, Keanu Reeve's character Neo is assisted in the education concerning the character from the Matrix with a youthful boy outfitted within the garb of the Buddhist monk. He says to Neo that he should be aware that "there's no spoon" and therefore our capability to alter the world around us is really dependent on our capability to change our very own minds.
A substantial conflict between Buddhism and the Matrix is that struggle between Gnosticism and the Matrix. Based on Buddhism, the thing for individuals who would like to avoid our planet of illusion would be to acquire a disembodied, immaterial existence - possibly one where even our perception of the baby-self continues to be overcome. Within the Matrix films, however, we seek to leave a disembodied existence inside a computer simulation and go back to an extremely material, very physical existence within the "real" world.
It appears obvious, then, the Matrix movies can't be referred to as Buddhist films - but the reality is they make extensive utilization of Buddhist styles and concepts. As the Matrix might not be the same as Maya and Keanu Reeve's character Neo might not be a Bodhisattva, the Wachowski siblings did deliberately incorporate facets of Buddhism to their story simply because they think that Buddhism has something to express to us about the world and how we conduct our way of life.
Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
The Buddha's Face Complete Blog Index

In my last blog post I mentioned the recent update to the Buddha's Face Complete Blog Index and I thought it would be useful to break it down month by month. So no more waiting for more mentions of gardens and Buddha statues that you can shake a stick at.
The Buddha's Face Complete Blog Index Main Menu
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - 2009
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - January - May 2010
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - June - July 2010
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - August - November 2010
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - November 2010 - July 2011
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - November 2010
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - December 2010
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - January 2011
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - February 2011
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - March 2011
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - June 2011 Part 1
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - June 2011 Part 2
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - June 2011 Part 3
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - July 2011 Part 1
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - July 2011 Part 2
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - July 2011 Part 3
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - July 2011 Part 4
Complete Buddha Face Blog Index - July 2011 Part 5
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
Choose from the best collection of wooden Buddha Wall Art panels, plaques and Buddha Statues to transform your home or garden into a peaceful sanctuary.
Visit our truly comprehensive Buddhism 101 Enlightenment Project
Complete Blog Index November 2010 - July 2011 now up !
Over at the Buddha's Face main website we have been assiduously maintaining a Complete Blog Index of all the blog entries which helps Google and our readers browse the blog entries more easily. After what seems like a week's work I have brought the index up to date with the latest version ;
Choose from the best collection of wooden Buddha Wall Art panels, plaques and Buddha Statues to transform your home or garden into a peaceful sanctuary.
Visit our truly comprehensive Buddhism 101 Enlightenment Project